Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Shall blog since I'm waiting for my printer to finish printing.
First day of school sucked. The worst first day I've evereverever had ): We moved up to the tablet pc classroom! And I don't like it. It's bloody at the FOURTH level and we came from the FIRST level ): Great. So now we have to like climb up four storeys and die. Although the fats thing consoles me a little, I'm still quite pissed ): But I guess the only good thing about it is that there's air con. And I think the classroom is really quite informal; it doesn't feel like a classroom at all.
The worst thing is, we won't be able to walk past threeeleven and laugh at them and wave and everything ): we won't be neighbours anymore. Ohwell. And guess what, we'll be the last to be down for breaks. Freaking FOURTH level! D: I want my food. But bianca nana and jas will help us buy :D hahahaha :D
When I first heard about us moving up, I thought lydia and kristie were joking lah. =/ And guess what, everyone else were moving their stuff up too. And that was when it occurred to me that maybe it's true =/ OHWELL. Nothing we can do anyway. I shall start thinking positively and stop hating the classroom! :D
Second day of school was not much better. I still can't believe school has started. It doesn't feel like it! I feel like I'm just dragging my feet in everything, seriously =/ But I was really sleepy today. I think it's the sleeping at 4am thing taking effect ): I couldn't wake up! And i felt sooooo very sleepy during lesson. I slept during chinese AGAIN. And guess what, people like trish and cher were playing volleyball -.- or wolleyball (: Hahaha it was really funny because it was so obvious they were not paying attention. Cher's back was like totally facing yawen lah. D: Hahaha then I joined in their game and they actually had a paper ball!!!! HAHAHA. The paper ball was with trish that time and i was sitting quite far away from her as cher was in the middle XD So trish attempted throwing it to me and guess what. The paper ball flew high into the air and yawen saw EVERYTHING. sheesh. The whole class started laughing =/ It was THAT obvious. HAHAHA but it was funny :D Yawen is nice, she didn't get angry or anything (:
Oh, speaking about WOLLEYBALL, it is very fun! Although my forearms are bruised and a few of my capillaries burst ): The capillaries don't hurt but the bruises do... ): BUT IT WAS FUN :D I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT PE LESSON! Wheeee (:
Maybe I should just come up in the morning to collect the stupid printing stuff. Seriously, my printer takes ages to print stuff lah. And it gets irritating when I want to sleep early and I get the chance to because I don't want to fall asleep during class again like today.
Ohwell. Okay, I'm going down to my room (:
12:05 AM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I love my uncle :D He is soooo funky. Hahahahaha. He was telling us about all the stuff he did in army to make his own life easier. My brother's going for army next year. The house is going to be soooo much quieter. I don't think I'll be used to it =/ NO MORE BULLYING. Hahaha. Ohwell. My uncle's going back to China to work today.
Had tuition today. I was totally falling asleep. I didn't even understand what she was saying =/ I was literally just copying down stuff without thinking. Sigh but at least i copied it down so that I can look through it and try to understand. Although I doubt I will do that =/
Today's already Saturday. Oh make that Sunday. We're supposed to go to Lianghui's house to do project. No, projectS. ): This sucks. School's starting tomorrow?! It doesn't feel like it. Time really does fly. Haven't even had much time to go out this holiday. I'm looking forward to the September holidays!!! MY BIRTHDAY :D heh.
And September is sooooo far away ): Although time will fly... once again.
I think the whatever baby video is damn funny. So is guenyik's nick :D hahahaha okay I don't feel like blogging anymore.
And I don't think I'll even be blogging when school starts. Too hectic! And there won't be much to blog about anyway.
I still want to go to Japan to watch w-inds. summer concert ): ): ): ):
2:03 AM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
To do homework. Supposedly.
Well Cher and Nana did. Mina and I kind of didn't =/ I tried to do okay ): But I really need some time to adjust to that i-really-wanna-finish-my-work mood sooooo I couldn't really focus. What with the laptop which was switched on and the xbox and glendon and the tv D:
I swear Glendon is damn cute! :D hahahaha. He rocks at the shooting game. And yes, I know I suck at it. Well I guess I'm just happy that the neighbours didn't come knocking on mina's door to complain because we were too noisy. Cher and I almost had a heart attack playing that game okay. I think I died a million times D: And Cher and I failed the mission! AHHHH. Lol Glendon plays that violent game everyday he became so pro at it ._. Hahahaha then at first he was like pestering Mina to go and play with him. Damn funny :D
My iPod battery was going to die and I didn't want to stare at the stupid tvmobile screen on the way back with Nana so i borrowed mina's charger (:
And I am so proud to say that me and Nana found our way to Mina's place alone!!! With cher's guidance, of course. Hahahahhaa. Cher was like saying that we have to drop off at the blue blocks then at first i thought that was Mina's house. Then when we dropped off i was like eh wth why the bus never drop us THERE. Goose lah that wasn't Mina's house :D hahahaha. Thank goodness nana went to mina's house before (:
Anyway I tried to do bloody IH source based. I read the first paragraph of the background information and I didn't feel like reading anymore. Nothing was going into my head anyway ): So I gave up ):
But anyway, I am determined to do work tomorrow! Lol yes i promise I will (: Since I'm free the whole day tomorrow anyway. But I'm going to sleep in! Haven't been able to sleep in much this holiday since I spent two weeks in UK we had to wake up early everyday. And yes, it was a chore to wake up. I think me and nana would take 15 minutes to get out of our bloody beds lah D:
I'm aching all over from yesterday's dance. Back, stomach, sides, thighs, arms ): it hurts like crap I just need to walk up the stairs and it'll start aching ): And I can't even laugh too hard because my stomach muscles will ache ): ahhhh. this sucks. Then when we were doing bridge today my arm muscles and thigh muscles started cramping up lah D: Yes, my muscles hurt that bad. And it's not fair because people like nana don't have muscle aches ):
I was just talking to guenyik just now and that was the weirdest conversation ever man. HAHAHAHA. That stupid woman kept wanting to go offline and I kept trying to distract her to make her stay :D but seriously the stuff we talk about is weird. I don't think anyone else will ever talk about the stuff we talked about D: thank goodness we are both girls (: HAHAHAHA. But it's so funny! And yeah we both LOVEEEEEE w-inds.!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D and keita and ryohei and ryuichi! :D :D :D :D :D :D
Shucks no ballet this saturday. No guitar this Sunday either. Which also means that I can sleep in! Which makes me happy but I wanna dance moremoremore and I wanna learn new songs too ): gah. But I have enough to practice for 2 weeks so maybe I should just shutup. HAHA.
I haven't played golf for like dontknowhowmanyweeks I suddenly feel like playing it. That was random. I like swinging the club :D I like using woods because the sound it makes when it comes in contact with the ball is SOLID. And the ball goes far so I feel good about myself :D
Okay maybe I should stop here. I am getting more and more random =/
But seriously there's no one online now and I don't feel like sleeping. My brother is beside me and he's watching some violent anime and he just asked me if i like violent anime and i stared at him and he was like, if you like violent anime then you should watch this and he said that they kill monsters. I ignored him and stared at my screen again. And he just asked me to type softer. Like wth how do you type softer. And he doesn't type that soft either okay. And I think he thought i was typing very loudly because i was talking to guenyik just now like crazy and i was typing like crazy so ohwell. I bet he's feeling guilty for staying up late. Heh. Guilty conscience. I think he's especially afraid that my mom will wake up and ask us to go back to bed.
I think I should use the computer lesser. My keyboard's letters are fading because my keyboard is black. But i like my keyboard. It doesn't make my hand ache. Lol :D And computers make me feel more awake and therefore i wont feel like sleeping but this is very bad for my body. As my mom always says... I'll grow old faster. Ohwell. But I don't listen and guess what I'm doing now. Staying up. I told her I'd sleep at one and its already 2.33am now. :D
Okay. That's enough randoming.
In case my brother complains of me typing too noisily again -.-
I shall just stick to the stupid mouse.
2:35 AM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Damn I really hate it when my knees screw up. They just start hurting like crap without warning and there's this stupid sharp pain. And I had to wear my knee guard today. And there was dance today so I felt quite horrid ): But we lian-ed gong today and that makes me happy! :D It was damn shuang.
Council people didn't come because they had Council Camp so the dance studio was quite empty and spacious today. I miss bianca ): I haven't seen her for weeks! And today I saw her bringing around one of the council seniors. I think they were practicing for open house XD HAHAHA
I didn't wear my retainer for a week plus and now my teeth hurts ): I just didn't have the mood D: and lazy too =/ But the whole of the one week in UK i wore okay!!! I don't like wearing my retainers because I can't pronounce properly with them. D: And that sucks because I feel uncomfortable.
I feel a bit sleepy and I want to sleep but yet I don't feel sleepy. This is so ironic.
Maybe I'll blog later. Although I think I won't.
And i promise to start on my homework tonight!
3:17 PM
First meal of the day = lunch!
Yay i love having lunches as the first meal of the day. :D sleeping in late rocks. Anyway, I won't be blogging about the sleepover because mina blogged about it already and I'm too lazy to type everything out anyway but maybe I'll give some details :D
We slept super duper late last night! I think we slept later than 5. I won't be surprised. But we couldnt check the time because our phones were all outside the guest room D: lol how smart. but anyway I was suddenly very high =/ I just kept laughing! I have no idea why. and nana was high with me too (: but she talked more than she laughed and i laughed more than i talked. not surprising (: But anyway not long after, mina joined in! HAHAHA and she became high too! and then trish woke up and she joined us too! :D only cher was the totally knocked out one and guess what! she was right in the middle ._. how ironic. LOL. and cos cher's hand was quite zor teng (however you spell that, man.) so nana tried to move it away from under her back. albeit unsuccessfully =/ cher's hand kept bouncing back :D HAHAHA. loser nana.
errr me and nana slept all the way through the night till like twelve plus. which, honestly, is really quite early for us =/ and the other stupid three dodos kept disturbing our sleep and made us get up so unwillingly ): we could have slept so much more. RAH.
lol okay the rest of the details can be found on mina's blog!
anyway, i want a new guitar. But I've been spending a lot of money this year. What with all the global classroom overseas trips and the possibility that i might be going for OBS again at the end of this year, and more which i choose not to say. Ahh but i really want a new guitar. A classical one since my electric guitar is such a white elephant. Actually i wanted to play it that night but i just need to plug the bloody wire into my amps and the whole thing blasted. like omfg. and it didnt help that it was in the middle of the night. At like 3 plus?! in the morning, yes. I didn't dare to try it again because my mom is such a light sleeper she wakes up at the slightest sound and if she finds out that I am awake, she'll probably just kill me. I Might ask for a new guitar for my birthday present if i feel bold enough =/ But i think I wont be. Maybe i should just wait for another year ):
And i am so lazy I don't even change my strings D: ahh, yes don't scream. and I'm too lazy to go buy new strings anyway. Since my strings havent burst yet D: My bass strings oxidised already lah. But it's really damn ma fan to take it out and put it back D: my electric guitar ones are even worse beacuse they are all metal. LOL. Ah anyway I was playing my electric guitar without the amps and omg it was seriously a lot easier =/ The fretboard is thinner and it's easier to reach for the strings! And i think amps are really damn cheaterbug. Don't even need to press properly and there's sound already. Like doing slurs. Doing it on the classical guitar is like D: but when you do it on the electric, you don't even need to come down fast. you just need to tap on the string D: ahhh. But i still feel bad for not using my electric so i guess i shall use it more often. LOL.
Okay enough! That was very luosuo. HAHAHA. Just like how mina thinks her post is luosuo. But aiya it's for really bored people like me. Just that i have stuff to do but i dont want to do them. I guess i shall ask cher for the whole list of our homework and start doing tomorrow or something ): I should really start on my work or i'll just die. Sooner or later.
12:54 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I don't want school to start ):
Ahh when school starts we have to hand in and rush all the SIAs. That also means that I won't have time to meet up with SCPS people. (I bet Charlie's cursing me now.) I think I can only officially settle down and get used to school again in week three. And then, we'll be having all the tests. This really sucks. I still don't feel like doing work. No urge to push me. Maybe when the pressure starts getting to me I'll start. I wonder when that'll be.
Why can't we have longer holidays ):
5:45 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
ahh I don't know why I'm so bored today.
Maybe it's just a sign that I should start on my holiday homework.
But do I look like I'm going to care soon?
Anyway I went back to Gramophone to buy the w-inds. dvd! :D :D :D yes, I am a happy girl (: I just love making-of's! And seeing all the backstage stuff! Ahhh it's awesome <3 I'm going to rewatch it after i finish blogging this post and then I'll go down to play my guitar. I've been practicing a lot this week! Maybe because I've been feeling quite bored and there's nothing much to do after watching all the stuff that's nice on tv.
My mom's finally going to buy a new dvd player tomorrow! Just in time for the sleepover! I'M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. I feel a bit pissed now though. I don't know why either. And since she's going to Holland V, there's a gramophone there! :D I shall just go and check it out and see if they have other w-inds. cds! If not I'll go check out That CD Shop and HMV. And i want w-inds. and keita's photobooks!!!! But it'll be a bomb D:
Blogging somehow kills boredom. But I got over blogging over already and during school term there's so much to do you don't even feel like blogging when you get home and use the computer. Sometimes I don't even feel like chatting. I just feel like stoning and watch w-inds. videos (: I want all of their dvds and cds!!!! I'm still short of three cds I think. And i want all of their concert dvds! I think my mom's going to kill me. But it's okay buying it now than when the GST goes up :D and she said that herself! :D :D that gives me a reason to splurge. I will try to save when the GST goes up to 7%! and stop buying so many cds! ahh yes that will work for now, until i get bored of my songs and i want moremore new songs, which makes mina happy because she gets new songs from me :D
I agree. Totally.
Okay I'm such a random person. I'm seriously just typing whatever comes to my mind. And I just realised that this post is kind of always revolving around w-inds. Yet again (:
Ballet today was fun anyway. I love the classical dance! <3 Ahh but we always don't have enough time for her to teach us new steps ): I like learning new steps. I hate stopping at a certain point when we've already done it so many times before. It's exciting learning new stuff. The new barre music is nice. I didn't like the previous barre music. But i think i still prefer Grade 6's music. But ohwell. Pre-elementary's music was the weirdest but we all got used to it. Now that they changed the music I'm not so used to it and the timing is a bit weird now D: but nevermind. I like pirouettes but they make me giddy. I love pointe! It is so fun and challenging :D I wanna do more centre exercises and I wanna start doing arabesques on pointe! And I wanna know what our centre exercises for pointe will be like! I'm getting bored of doing pointe on barre although the exercises are nice. I love Allegros too! Although they make me feel tired but the exercises are nice too (:
Enough about ballet. I WANT TO LIAN GONG ON TUESDAY!!!! We didn't do barre on wednesday and friday ): ): ): ): I miss lianing gong! But a few of the xiao ges did barre on our own :D yay. and ti tui! and xiao tiaos and zhong tiaos! I love doing da tiao although i think that my left leg is getting suckier and suckier because i keep practicing my right split jump. i should seriously learn to start practicing both legs.
I want to do la tui too! ): rah. but maybe i should wait somemore. I love doing side split jump it is so thrilling and fun! I miss dancing our SYF dance ):
Ah im getting bored of blogging and it's time to rewatch the dvd :D
before going down to my room to practice for guitar.
then, sleep.
But i dont feel sleepy. maybe i will later on.
11:50 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
I really love sui ye ru ge! It's super nice! I can't wait to learn the rest of it! :D But anyway, I feel so out of touch. Haven't danced for like ten days plus and i suddenly feel so weak D: like, i dont feel the bounce when i jump anymore ): And it didn't help that i didn't go for ballet last saturday either! OHWELL.
I did cangku duty already! :D the cangku is actually very clean now. Compared to like... during syf period? IT WAS HORRENDOUS D: hahahahahaha.
Bianca's in Malaysia anyway! I miss her! ): Not fair she's going shopping. I also want to go! We were planning on going to Malaysia to shop during sabbats but in the end we didn't. HAHAHAHA. How funny.
Oh anyway the other four dodos will be staying over at my place this sunday till monday! :D :D :D :D so exciting! I wonder what we'll be doing ._. but i really don't wanna watch the house of wax! D: it's so scary i think i'll have nightmares =/ as if the wax figures that didn't move at warwick castle in UK were not scary enough... Speaking of dvds, my dvd player downstairs in the living room got blasted and my mom hasnt bought a new one yet. LOL it just exploded.
Although my ankle doesn't hurt very much, I still hope that it'll fully recover! If not it'll hinder pointe ): and it hurts ABIT at certain angles and i feel like my ankles are weaker now. NOOO. Stupid hump! D: they should have coloured it! D:
ah okay i guess thats enough to entertain SOME people and for them to niao me -.- you know who you are!
p.s. I love laoshi!
12:30 AM